“Three reports, one record. In this year 2019, these are three fundamental documents that the IPCC (1) has returned. On global warming to 1.5 ° C and its consequences; on land areas; on the oceans and the cryosphere. Three blows from clubs struck on the international scene. The blow was given on September 25 during the presentation, in Geneva, of the 800 pages of the last opus. A cry of alarm before the melting ice and tomorrow's sea level rise. "
Page 34
"How can we make the most of our soils?" […]
The first includes the avoidance strategy. […] The second category of solutions concerns improving the management of agricultural systems, pastoral systems, forests. Some practices emit less greenhouse gases than others and store more CO2. These management methods are known and are not necessarily the same in each region.
Page 36
Coastal populations on the front line.
In 2100: + 1.5 to 4.8 ° C, sea level: between 30 and 100 cm more
[…]. Global warming, in addition to accelerating the melting of glaciers, also upsets the balance of ocean currents. In the long term, it can disrupt and globally affect the climate by significantly transforming heat transport. The ocean stores 93% of the heat produced by human activity, which limits the increase in temperature in the air. This buffer effect also has a reverse. By absorbing the CO2, the water acidifies, and by capturing the heat from the atmosphere, it also warms up. This has serious consequences on the dynamics of currents and on exchanges with the atmosphere. "The rise in sea level combined with the rise in temperatures risks accelerating the frequency of extreme climatic events", notes Françoise Gaill.
Profound changes in our lifestyles are to be expected. This report (LINK) even describes a new world for decades to come. Since 1982, the frequency of marine heat waves has doubled and their intensity has increased. According to scientists' projections, they will be 20 times more frequent if warming is kept below 2 ° C, against 50 times in the worst scenarios. […]
The report speaks of 280 million people displaced by rising sea levels by the end of the century.
Permafrost, a threat under the ice, page 38
"The IPCC report states that the permafrost in arctic and boreal regions contains between 1460 and 1600 billion tonnes of carbon! This is almost twice the carbon present in the atmosphere today." [...]
How to reconcile our food with the climate, Cheikh Mbow, page 39
"However, this modern" agriculture "has had many consequences, on the one hand on the integrity of ecosystems, on the other hand on the health of the populations of rich countries. The race for abundance, a corollary of economic wealth, has led, in Europe and North America, to soil depletion and overconsumption of food. […]
We have entered an unprecedented period of food imbalances. […]
The global food system is responsible for the majority of emissions in the Afolu category (agriculture, forestry and other land use), but also for energy consumption from storage, transport, packaging, the processing, preparation and marketing of food and the resulting food waste. In total, food systems account for 22 to 35% of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. "
4 strategic axes for resilient productivity, page 41
1 - Reduce losses and waste
2 - Change eating habits.
Around the world, food is evolving towards high-calorie diets mainly of animal origin, fats, sugars and sweeteners which contribute to increasing greenhouse gas emissions. A rebalancing towards diets richer in fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts is necessary. […] In developed countries, less meaty diets rich in fruits, vegetables and seeds reduce the risks of certain forms of cancer, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
3 - Bridging crop yield gaps around the world
4 - Adopt sustainable agricultural practices
"The path to resilient productivity and an environment that preserves the natural conditions of production has been mapped out. But the temptation to find solutions offering immediate gain remains acute. Should we continue to follow our economic model blindly in the face of a growing threat to humanity or choose a direction finally combining economic progress with social justice and environmental benefits? "
The Guardian
October 29, 2019
83 ...
This is the equivalent, in millions of bottles, of the amount of plastic waste that will potentially be produced by Halloween celebrations on October 31 in the United Kingdom, according to a study by associations specializing in the environment Hubbub and Fairyland Trust.
West France